The Benefits of Kefir

Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates famously said that…

“All disease begins in the gut.”

That’s why a healthy gut helps you feel stronger, lighter, and clearer.
Kefir is a fantastic health promoting drink that helps to naturally balance the body in a delicious way.


Kefir can help…

Boost digestion and relieve related issues like constipation, bloating, and acid reflux.
Increase immune function as it strengthens our bodies to ward off viruses and bad bacteria.
Lower Inflammation for allergies, eczema, psoriasis, joint and muscle pain, etc
Brain function for better clarity and memory retention
Decrease fatigue and improve quality of sleep
Reduce anxiety and depression and balance overall mood fluctuations
Speed up metabolism that aids in weight loss

People have been fermenting Kefir since ancient times for their incredible health benefits and delicious taste. 

Both Kefir Sodas and Kefir Yogurts are made through the process of fermentation, which creates a diversity of probiotic bacteria, enzymes, and acids that are great for our gut health.

Human bodies are host to trillions of bacteria...! Some are great for us, but some others are not. In the wild west of our gastrointestinal tract where most of them reside, probiotics help to balance our gut microbiome with the "Good Guys", aka. good bacteria that improves our gut function.

You might have even heard of some: Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, Acetobacter, and even yeasts like Saccharomyces, for example!

Each of these are actually families of bacteria that house many different species within it, and it's our dietary goal to introduce as many species as possible.

Kefir is known to have between 20 to 60 different species of good probiotic bacteria - a much higher microbial diversity compared to commonly found fermented foods like commercial Yogurt, which may contain less than 5 species.

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Kefir Soda is light tasting, and super easy to drink and digest, which makes it a great beginner probiotic for people of all ages.

Not to mention, they're delicious when flavoured with fruit which further boosts their bacterial activity and nutrient profile with extra vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients!

We believe that live cultures should be served at their full potential.

That’s why we ferment them fresh and serve them raw.

Our products contain not just live, but active cultures that continue to ferment in every bottle.

The Pharm

We make robust, active probiotic ferments using Kefir Cultures. Our products are small-batched by hand, fresh every week.

No preservatives or pasteurisation. No fillers or artificial ingredients. 100% natural!

Alcohol Levels


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