What is Kefir?

Kefir is a family of fermented cultures full of probiotic bacteria, enzymes, and acids that are great for gut health.

How many types of Kefir are there?

There are two main types of Kefir: Water Kefir, and Milk Kefir.

Water Kefir is the culture that we use to make our signature fizzy Kefir Sodas. It feeds on sugar and is completely vegan.

Milk Kefir cultures feed on lactose found in dairy milk. We use it to create our smooth and creamy Kefir Yogurts, and Kefir Milk drinks.

Both are highly probiotic live cultures that are fantastic for gut health.

What are the benefits of Kefir?

“All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates

Kefir helps to balance and introduce diversity in our gut’s microflora, which is often attributed as the source of many modern ailments. 

Kefir can help…

- Boost digestion and relieve related issues like constipation, bloating, and acid reflux.

- Lower Inflammation for allergies, eczema, psoriasis, joint and muscle pain, etc

- Brain function for clarity and memory retention

- Decrease fatigue and improve quality of sleep

- Reduce anxiety and depression

- Speed up metabolism and aid in weight loss

Kefir has been documented to contain between 20 to 50+ different strains of lactobacilli, streptococci and yeast saccharomyces species, and the benefits of our Kefir Sodas also include a potent mix of vitamins and minerals found in the organic sugars and fruit we ferment them with.

What’s the difference between Kefir and Kombucha?

Though they are both fizzy fermented drinks that are often flavoured with fruit, Kefir and Kombucha are different types of fermented cultures with different families of bacteria, and distinct flavours.

1. Kefir does not contain caffeine, unlike Kombucha, which is a tea based culture.

2. Kefir contains more strains of probiotic bacteria and yeasts.

3. Kefir’s digestive effects are milder than Kombucha’s. Better for beginners and those with sensitive stomachs.

4. Kefir doesn't taste as vinegary as Kombucha since it contains fewer Acetic Acid producing bacterias.

Both cultures are delicious, and very beneficial to our gut health. Diversity is key, so why limit yourself? Kefir, Kombucha, and a wide array of other fermented foods should be part of our everyday diet.

Can Kefir be sugar-free?

If you’re looking for a sugar-free Kefir, go for Kefir Yogurt, Kefir Milk, or an older batch of Kefir Soda. Here’s why:

Water Kefir Cultures feed on sucrose, and so all batches of Kefir Soda will have varying amounts of sugar based on the batch age. Older batches will have less sugar, but might contain more carbonation, and a small amount of ethanol (1-2%)

Milk Kefir Cultures on the other hand, are lactose-based and contain only tiny amounts of sugar that’s naturally present in milk. Our Kefir Yogurts and Kefir Milks, are only sweetened with organic extracts from the Stevia plant, which makes them sugar-free.

How do I drink Kefir?

Drink it as you would any other tasty beverage!

Kefir is also a great ingredient for homemade mocktails, smoothies, shakes and granola bowls! You can even include Kefir Yogurt or Kefir Milk in your cooking for a probiotic boost to your favourite dishes.

For Kefir Sodas, we advise checking the batch date to know the age of the ferment if you’re sensitive to small amounts of alcohol.

And remember, Kefir Soda is a real Soda full of bubbly natural carbonation so don't shake the bottle before opening!

Does Kefir contain Alcohol?

We don’t add any alcohol to our Kefir, but older batches of Kefir Soda may contain small amounts of alcohol (0.5-2%) which happens naturally as a by-product of the fermentation process.

Generally these amounts are so low that they’re unnoticeable, but if you prefer it without, be sure to select a fresh batch before checkout.

I’m Lactose Intolerant. Can I still consume Kefir Yogurt & Kefir Milk?

Yes, but read ahead!

Since the Milk Kefir culture feeds on lactose, there isn’t much left in the finished product to cause a reaction.

In fact, having Kefir regularly can actually re-introduce good bacteria into your gut that might help you metabolise lactose in the long run. 

If you’re especially sensitive to lactose, take it slow. Introduce small amounts into your diet and observe its effects. It might take a few tries to settle down, but the benefits are worth it over time.

Why is The Pharm’s Kefir Yogurt better than regular yogurt?

Yogurt is typically made from 3-7 strains of bacteria cultures that ferment milk into the thick, sour, curdy consistency we call yogurt. In commercial yogurt, these cultures are often pasteurised to stop the fermentation process by killing a portion of the live microorganisms in order to ensure a longer, more stable shelf life. The addition of thickeners, preservatives, sugar, colourings and flavourings are then used to develop taste and texture.

Our Kefir Yogurt is made from Milk Kefir Cultures, which naturally contains over 60 different strains of bacteria and yeasts. That’s 10x the number found in commercial yogurt!

Our Kefir Yogurt is made, fresh, pure, raw, and sugar-free. We do not pasteurise our Kefir so that it contains the highest possible number of live and active cultures.

Our Kefir Yogurt’s taste and texture is made purely through using specific fermentation methods, and the types of Milk Kefir varietals that we cultivate. Because the cultures are actively fermenting, you’ll get a much higher probiotic benefit compared to most other commercial yogurts, but with a shorter shelf life, so don't wait to enjoy it!

What’s the difference between “Live” and “Active” cultures?

Picture the difference in an organism that’s simply Live or Alive, and one that’s Active and Robust.

Our active ferments are not just live, they’re alive and kicking!

We keep our cultures active by ensuring that they are always healthy and kept in ideal conditions, with enough nutrients to fuel their efficacy.

You’ll notice subtle changes in taste and texture over time that will prove their probiotic integrity… In fact, some people actually prefer the flavour of aged ferments!

How should I store Kefir?

All ferments including Kefir Soda, Kefir Yogurt, and Kombucha should always be stored cold in the fridge between 1° - 5° Celsius to preserve their flavour.

If shaken during transport, allow the bottles to settle for at least 15 minutes before serving.

How long can I keep Kefir? Does it expire?

We recommend drinking Kefir Sodas within 1-6 weeks of its batch date for the best flavour. However, plenty of our customers choose to keep it for longer, or drink it fresher, depending on their taste preferences.

Kefir Soda does not expire, it only develops over time from Fresh Kefir, to Aged Kefir with a small alcohol content (1-2%), then it turns into a sour Kefir Vinegar which still can be enjoyed as a strong tonic.

Kefir Yogurt on the other hand, can be kept for up to one month, but is best tasting within 1-2 weeks. Beyond that time, its flavour intensifies and becomes more sour.

Where does Kefir come from?

Milk Kefir is said to originate from the hill tribes around the Northern Caucasus Mountains in Russia, and Water Kefir from South America, but we will never truly know. These cultures are thousands of years old beyond recorded history!

Unlike most fermented cultures, Kefir is not found in the wild but inherited through generations of human tradition. Found in traditional recipes around the world, it has been called by many names; From Kephir, Talai, and Tibetan Mushrooms for Milk Kefir and Tibicos, bébées, Beer Plant, Japanese Beer Seeds, and Eternity Grains for Water Kefir!

The Kefir Culture itself looks like small jelly-like clusters that resemble popcorn, which is why the culture is often referred to as Kefir Grains. These are not actual plant-based grains like wheat or barley but are simply the SCOBY (Symbiotic Colonies of Bacteria and Yeast) that feeds on sucrose in sugar water or lactose in milk, and ferments them into the stuff we call Kefir!

Who Makes This Stuff?

Hello. Hi!

We are Patie & Nicole of The Pharm, a small family-run fermentory in George Town, Penang! We’ve been making fermented drinks since 2015, with the philosophy of introducing nourishing active probiotics into the diets of our customers in a fun and delicious way.

We believe in the integrity of good natural ingredients, and enjoy making products that truly improves the health and lifestyles of our local community.

All our products are made by hand in small batches with ingredients sourced locally as much as possible, without any artificial additives, fillers, or preservatives.

We hope you love our products as much as we do. 

Follow us on social media @thepharmhut